Sustainable Fashion: What It Really Means and Why It Matters

Jul 31, 2024


min reading

Sustainable fashion emphasises ethical production methods and the use of eco-friendly materials, ensuring that new products, while not entirely without impact, are made with a commitment to minimising harm. This conscious creation process is a vital component of what we consider sustainable fashion.

Moreover, the growing second-hand market raises interesting questions about sustainability. While extending the life of clothing is a positive step, factors like shipping and increased consumption also play a role. Furthermore, for a while now clothes have become less quality. So, is second hand shopping just for luxury or vintage clothes? How long can one use a Shein crop top?

In this blog post, we’ll delve into these nuances and uncover what it truly means to practise sustainable fashion.

Sustainable Fashion: Beyond the “Hot Topic”

Sustainable fashion is a comprehensive approach that goes beyond eco-friendly products. It aims to minimise the environmental impact of clothing while ensuring fair treatment and ethical practices throughout the supply chain. According to Immago, sustainable fashion involves creating garments that are not only environmentally friendly but also mindful of the people producing them. But sustainable fashion can — and must — go beyond this.

In simple terms, sustainable fashion means clothing that is ethically made and environmentally conscious. However, achieving this balance can be challenging due to many reasons: the current’s system, higher overhead costs, and the challenge of finding a reliable source for sustainable materials. 

For many years, it was said that for the industry to embrace sustainability fully, consumers must be willing to pay a bit more or stop supporting brands that neglect environmental and ethical standards. But should we put the responsibility on the client? Are they THE reason for the current environmental situation?

This shift happened gradually; in fact, it still is happening. Now, eco-conscious consumers influence market trends. Their preference for sustainable options is pushing brands to adopt better practices, making sustainable fashion a growing movement. 

However, there’s much more on the table. 

Sustainable fashion builds on the concept of sustainable development, defined by the UN as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This concept underscores the importance of balancing current demands with future resources.

When we talk about sustainable fashion, we envision an industry that manages its environmental impact within planetary boundaries and ensures the well-being of people and animals throughout the supply chain. 

This approach requires a fundamental shift away from business models that drive overproduction, overconsumption, waste, and exploitation. Terms like degrowth and the circular economy are often used to describe the systemic changes needed to achieve true sustainability in fashion. (Source: Good On You)

At this point you might have already figured out that the term "sustainable fashion" has faced criticism for its vagueness and the perceived lack of progress. 

Brands responsible for significant environmental damage and exploitation often misuse the term in greenwashing efforts, diluting its meaning. To counter this, policymakers are working on legislation to regulate how brands can use these terms in their marketing, pushing for more accurate and honest representations. 

Controversies and Difficulties in Sustainable Fashion

While the idea of sustainable fashion is appealing, it comes with several controversies and difficulties. One of the primary challenges is the higher cost associated with producing sustainable clothing. Ethical production practices and environmentally friendly materials tend to be more expensive, leading to increased costs for brands. This is particularly challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that may not have the financial resources to absorb these costs.

Additionally, the current fashion system often prioritizes fast production and low costs, making it difficult for sustainable practices to compete. Transparency in the supply chain is crucial for ensuring that materials are sourced responsibly and that workers are treated fairly. However, implementing transparency measures can be costly and complex, especially for smaller brands that lack the necessary infrastructure and expertise.

Is Thrift Shopping a Sustainable Practice?

Another controversy within sustainable fashion is the debate over the true impact of second-hand markets. While promoting the reuse of clothing is beneficial, the shipping and logistics involved can contribute to environmental damage. Moreover, the popularity of second-hand shopping has led to the creation of a whole new market that, as much as it doesn’t put new items into the world, unfortunately, some people buy more items under the guise of sustainability. 

Some advocates raise questions about whether second-hand markets genuinely contribute to sustainable fashion or merely perpetuate consumerism in a different form. 

Unfortunately, there’s more…

Greenwashing is another significant issue, where brands falsely claim to be sustainable to attract eco-conscious consumers. This practice undermines the efforts of genuinely sustainable brands and confuses consumers who are trying to make responsible choices. It highlights the need for stricter regulations and clearer definitions of what constitutes sustainable fashion.

For SMEs, navigating the sustainable fashion landscape can be particularly daunting. The high costs associated with sustainable materials and ethical practices, coupled with the complexity of ensuring transparency, make it challenging for these brands to compete. They often struggle to find reliable suppliers and face difficulties in verifying the sustainability of their products.

At World Collective, we understand the complexities and challenges of sustainable fashion. Our goal is to provide solutions that make it easier for brands to adopt sustainable practices without compromising their business viability. 

Empowering Ethical Sourcing: Welcome to the World Collective Hub

World Collective Hub is designed to address the challenges and controversies surrounding sustainable fashion by providing a trusted marketplace for ethical brands and textile providers. Our hub is a groundbreaking solution that connects fashion brands directly with suppliers they can trust, thanks to the meticulous curation by our team of experts at World Collective.

For fashion brands, sourcing sustainable materials can be a daunting task. The World Collective Hub simplifies this process by offering a reliable space where brands can find eco-friendly textiles that meet their ethical standards. By providing direct access to vetted suppliers, we ensure that brands can source materials with confidence, knowing that they are making responsible choices.

Textile providers and fabric mills also benefit significantly from the World Collective Hub. Our platform gives them a unique opportunity to showcase their sustainable materials to a global audience of ethical brands. This direct connection fosters transparency and trust, allowing suppliers to build lasting relationships with brands that prioritize sustainability. By joining the World Collective Hub, textile providers can expand their reach and impact within the fashion industry.

The World Collective Hub is more than just a marketplace; it is the first step towards a larger revolution in the fashion industry. We are calling on industry agents to join us in this transformative journey. Our hub is designed to evolve continuously, with ongoing improvements and new solutions that address the ever-changing needs of the industry. This commitment to innovation ensures that the World Collective Hub remains at the forefront of sustainable fashion.

We invite you to explore the World Collective Hub and discover the solutions we offer for both brands and textile providers. By joining our platform, you become part of a movement dedicated to creating a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

Get to know more about World Collective’s work and our services by clicking here. Together, we can drive the change needed to make sustainable fashion the new norm.

Our mission is to bring digital transformation to the fashion industry, making sustainability more innovative and practical.

All rights reserved © World Collective

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Our mission is to bring digital transformation to the fashion industry, making sustainability more innovative and practical.

All rights reserved © World Collective

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Our mission is to bring digital transformation to the fashion industry, making sustainability more innovative and practical.

All rights reserved © World Collective

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